UNI is AN OPEN CONVERSATION encouraging designers to discover a new perspective of universal design thinking.
I am aiming to explore a MORE UNIVERSAL THINKING through the language of pictograms.


The design of ‘uni’ pictogram set was based on my observations of both the HUMAN BEHAVIORS and OBJECTS & SURROUNDINGS.
With the aim to explore the universals in human society in the simplest sense, I captured and archived the most ‘ overlapped moments’ from different locations using the google map street view function. Unlike our existing pictogram system, the ‘uni’ pictograms will not indicate features like genders, races and ages.

︎︎︎For the HUMAN BEHAVIOR series, I designed 2 specific behaviors that are universal worldwide, which are
1. Carrying Bags 
2.Using Wheeled Devices

UNI x HowArtMuseum


‘Uni’ pictogram set is a reflection of the universals in human societies across different cultures
and environments:

︎︎︎For the OBJECTS & SURROUNDINGS series, I designed the objects that are universal worldwide  :
1) Traffic Cones 2)Benches 3)A-Frames 4)Bollards 5)Railings 

Each pictogram of the OBJECTS & SURROUNDINGS series has its own QR Code which will direct the viewers to a web page showing the same object from a different location.  For instance, when people scan the QR Code of a bench located in LA, they will be randomly dircetd to see a bench located in Tokyo or London. The idea is to help people have a more direct understanding of the universality of their living surroundings.

︎︎︎#StandUp, Think Universally is a social campaign based on the concept of UNI. In this campaign, I captured the moments of people protesting for the universal human rights worldwide. 
The Universal Declaration envisaged a world in which every man, woman and child lives free from hunger and is protected from oppression, violence and discrimination, with benefits of housing, health care, education and opportunity. This encapsulates the global culture of human rights that we strive towards, and should therefore be a unifying rather than a divisive force within and among all cultures.